Recently , I have seen a common thread in ' spiritual ' blogs and websites wondering when ' we will get there ' . Many are getting very excited about 2012 due to the Mayan prophecy , which specifies that date as the end of a cycle after which there appear to be no further details . Some have said that this is when the ' End of the World ' will be and others are hoping that at this time there will be a form of spiritual ascension . I do not know what will happen tomorrow let alone in 2012 so I do not feel able to pass any form of judgement on this , but Time is very different in reality to how we experience it in our lives .
Arthur Koestler wrote a famous book called The Ghost in the Machine in which he pondered on human existence . I now quote from Wikipedia : " One of the book's central concepts is that as the human brain has grown it has built upon earlier , more primitive brain structures and that these are the ghost in the machine of the title . Koestler's theory is that at times these structures can overpower logic and are responsible for hate , anger and other such impulses ." This is true but what I would add to this is that our emotions are actually ghosts . They do not exist any more . They are replaying a moment in time when we had a thought of a world which was full of death , hate , anger , guilt and fear and the rest but this one thought has kept on repeating itself over who knows how long .It is like an addiction which we simply keep on doing again and again .It was only an idea and as such does not exist in concrete reality , but for some reason we are unwilling to let it go . The world is over NOW – it only exists in the past and as the past does not exist any more, our world doesn't either . It is only in our Mind does it continue.
Everything that we experience through our bodies is second hand . When you look at yourself or anything , it takes but an instant for the light waves to be received by your brain . Again this goes for your thoughts and feelings which are decoded in the brain , but in this instant is the difference between the real world and the world we see . For everything you sense in the body is in the past and therefore does not exist any more and has never been . I once worked for a company that sold semi precious stones and we had a few customers who said that they could release souls who were dead but were trapped in the earthly plane and send them to the light . I do not know whether this is true or not , but it is actually us who are dead . Our bodies , mind and feelings are no more – we are ghosts haunting an imaginary world .
We are ' there ' now . The world we see through our egoic mind is dead and it is only with spiritual vision will we be able to see the real world and it is this which the current spiritual bombardment is trying to achieve . It can be quite a form of relief after seeing something like the recent terrorist events in Mumbai to realise that it is not happening . So when will we get there in linear time . Will it be 2012 or 6012 ?. The answer is that it does not matter – the world of separation , death ,hate , fear and guilt is over . The outcome is assured but it is up to us when we accept that our egotistical mind and bodies are dead and amend our vision accordingly.