Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Love and Hate

We have all fallen in love and we have all fallen out of love . Why do we do this-how can our feelings of intense love, within a short period of time, suddenly alter to hate ? What is the catalyst for this change . One minute we love someone and then the very next second we hate them .

Our ego has a very peculiar sense of Love . It is quite happy to love someone until the object of desire does something which it does not accept . This can be anything from something relatively minor such as not returning a telephone call to something more major , like adultery .The first action will probably result in feelings of frustration and the second in hate and can lead to a complete breakdown of a relationship, but both responses come from the same place . The ego only offers conditional love – it will only love as long as the conditions of the relationship are acceptable to it . As soon as these conditions are broken ,then its real feelings of hate begin to surface .

An example of the non- acceptance can be seen starkly in diseases like Anorexia . To sufferers of anorexia , their body has to conform to how they want it . Unfortunately , our bodies do not obey our rules . It gets fat , thin and goes bald – it ages , our bodies start to sag and our boobs are either too big or too small .Our non acceptance of this , leads to our hatred of the body . We want to control it , so that it meets our vision of beauty and we can love ourselves . But our body has its own agenda , which has nothing to do with body image , but our ego can not accept this and so Anorexia descends into a fight between the ego and its hatred of the body and the body itself , which needs food to function .

The second example of non acceptance I will use is adultery . Again , this comes down to control . We cannot bear the thought of our partner having sex with someone else . It is completely unacceptable to the ego and will normally bring up feelings of rage and hate . It is so normal in our society that in cases of murder , it can be called a ' crime of passion ' and the accused may receive a reduced sentence , compared to other forms of murder . But what we are really saying with non acceptance is that what someone has done is so bad that it is unforgiveable and that we will deny our love for that person . As I said before , our ego has a very peculiar sense of love . Love does not die , but to our ego it does .

Basically , non acceptance is hate and hate is non acceptance . Our society has created rules for what is right and what is wrong and it is these by which we judge each other . They are laws developed from hate and not surprisingly lead to hate , as the ego is Hate .But what it hates more than anything else is , to coin a phrase , unconditional love . Within us , live two emotions Love and Hate . One is real and the other is a figment of our imagination –it is our real selves that we are asked to accept , not the imposter .

Thursday, 10 April 2008

The Long and Winding Road

But still they lead me back
To the long  winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago
Don't leave me waiting here
Lead me to your door

But still they lead me back
To the long  winding road
You left me standing here
A long long time ago
Don't leave me waiting here
Lead me to your door

I have just bought myself an MP3 player , which I can actually understand and use . This is absolutely amazing for a computerphobe such as myself . One of the first pieces of music I put onto it was The Beatles Number Ones album which consists of all their chart topping songs . The last song on the album is The Long and Winding Road , some of whose lyrics I have copied above.

The Long and Winding Road is a song about separation and our search for our ' missing part ' . We look to fill this empty space through various means , such as our relationships , physical addictions and work . But they never entirely work , as all of these things never last for ever and the vacuum re-emerges . In reality , this  separation does not exist - it is a figment of our imagination . It is our fear of Life , which continues this separation and causes all the problems that we see in this world . Life is not to be feared - it is not dangerous and threatening but our belief that it is  , makes it so . We cannot be killed or hurt in any way . As Shakespeare says there is ' Nothing either good or bad , but thinking makes it so . '
There is no ' Long and Winding Road ' . We are already home .

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Just Whistle While You Work

"Just whistle while you work

And cheerfully together we can tidy up the place

So hum a merry tune

It won't take long when there's a song to help you get the pay"


I live close to a railway station and every day I see the commuters on their way to work and on their return . It is interesting to observe the exhausted nature of these individuals as they struggle to earn a crust . They look unhappy and full of stress , but there is something within which forces them to get up everyday at some ridiculous time to go and do whatever they do and which over a period of time , they learn to hate .

Why do we do this ? Obviously , our ' survival gene ' plays a large part in this , but there is another element in our personalities which makes us do this . ' Your not here to enjoy yourself , but to work ' is a phrase you may have heard whilst having a light hearted break in your day , but from my observations this is actually how a large percentage of the population view Life . Society looks in favour on those who are continually doing ' things ' . One of the most common put downs is ' You're lazy ' and we are told this from a very early part of our life, as though it was a crime to do what we want to do . In my country , Great Britain , kids are generally packed off to school at the age of five , at the very latest , and many children start a form of schooling at an earlier age to this . From then until you are sixteen or eighteen you stay in school and then , either , go straight to work or go onto Higher Education of some sort to learn even more .You will then remain in work until you are sixty five , when you are allowed to retire and receive your pension and again there is talk of increasing the retirement age up to seventy or seventy five . So basically , all the best years of your life are spent working at something that you would probably not have done if you had the choice . This is complete and utter madness .

You are not meant ' to do ' but to LIVE . The Meaning of Life is to Live . You cannot , but live . You are not going to die , but our Ego tells us that we will and we need to work . This a world of abundance , but we refuse to see it and live our lives complaining we do not have enough . This is , also, one of the Ego's little tricks . There is Enough . Life is Enough , but we believe otherwise . There must be something more , we say to ourselves , but this is all there is . Deep down we know this and it is more than satisfactory – it is brilliant and wonderful , but while we listen to our Ego's siren voices we will always be disappointed . Anyway , have a nice day at work .