Sunday, 16 March 2008


In the United States Democratic party elections , the latest buzzword is Change . We need to change the world , they say, and from a logical point of view,with the United States facing a recession and fighting a futile war in Iraq this would be entirely reasonable . But what is it that causes these world events –it is our mind . There is only one mind and we are all connected to it . It is from this mind that our thoughts originate-all thoughts of war and destruction are in each of our minds .In fact , every heinous act could be carried out by anyone of us given the right circumstance .

It is not the outside world we need to change but our view of ourselves .We need to accept everything-ourselves ,others ,events in our lives and outside us . This is difficult for us to do as our ' Ego' is compelled to try and control . In some way , I do not fully understand , the world is absolutely fine . It does not need changing-people do not need to change .There is nothing wrong with us – not anybody . It is acceptance , not change , we need and this means everything .

Saturday, 8 March 2008

A Red Letter Day

Today ,both Chelsea and Manchester United were knocked out of the FA Cup . This means that none of the Big Four ( the above two clubs plus Liverpool and Arsenal ) will win it and that somebody else will actually win something . As a Crystal Palace supporter ( who never win anything ) I wholeheartedly support this new direction Football is taking and long may it last .

The Three Faces of Eve

The most distinctive feature of Multiple Personality Disorder is the formation and emergence of alternate personality states or 'alters'. Patients with MPD experience their alters as distinctive personalities possessing different names , histories and personality traits . It is not unusual for MPD patients to have alters of different genders , sexual orientations , ages or nationalities . Some patients have been reported with alters that are not even human : alters have been animals or aliens from outer space . The average MPD patient has between two or ten alters , but some have been recorded with over one hundred .

The Three Faces of Eve , a major film in the 1950s , is the true story of a young housewife who suffered from multiple personality disorder . The film tells the story of Eve White ( a pseudonym ) in an unhappy marriage , who was referred to psychiatrists by her doctor , due to headaches and blackouts . During one therapy session , good time girl Eve Black emerged . Eve Black knew all about Eve White and scorned White's life as a boring waste of time . Her psychiatrists treated both Eves , sometimes using hypnotism . Subsequently , a further personality , Jane , emerged . Over many sessions , several traumatic childhood events , such as Eve White being forced to kiss her dead grandmother were disclosed . Over time these three personalities attempted some form of resolution .The doctors were uncertain that she was fully cured but optimistic that she faced a more stable future .

One of the major beliefs of the New age movement is that the World is One .This idea ,inherited from Buddhism , seems at first glance to be odd as the world we see is full of individual objects . How can the world be one and why does it appear to be divided ? I believe that there is only One Mind – a Supersoul , if you like – and that all our thoughts and hence our actions come from here . Even though people may appear to make individual choices they all emanate from this source , which has a fixed view of the world . Psychiatrists believe that Multiple Personality Disorder is triggered by some form of trauma , which forces the personality to split into these different facets . A dominant personality will appear and it is only when some event occurs , normally traumatic , will the others emerge and the process of attempting to integrate these different characters begins . My view is that originally we were One Mind but due to the fear that was caused by our belief in death , our Mind split into distinct ' alters ' and from this split the emotions of guilt ,hate,anger , loneliness ,etc were born . The world ,in effect , has Multiple Personality Disorder ! An individual , with MPD , will only form a relatively few number of personalities , but the universe has formed an unimaginable number .

Luckily ,there is a part of us who still knows the truth . This part of us , encourages us to ignore the siren calls of death and destruction and urges us to reconnect with who we are . If we wish to do this , we need to listen to this Voice within us and start to reintegrate our personality like ' Eve White ' . We will no longer need to see the pyschiatrist .

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Dante’s Inferno

Mural at the church of St Peter & St Paul , Chaldon , Surrey
depicting Heaven and Hell

Just when you think that things can't get any worse , after the recent court cases of Steve Wright and Levi Bellfield , we hear about the almost unimaginable stories coming from the Haut de la Garenne in Jersey . Tales of child abuse , murder , underground chambers , manacles on walls to 'restrain the children ' are being reported daily and I have no idea where the horrors might end . On one of the walls is scrawled ' I have been bad for years and years . ' There appear to be links with senior establishment figures on the island which echo similar previous cases and it has been suggested that individuals who were implicated in the Islington care scandal might well have had connections to the Haut de la Garenne .

This is vile , horrendous , despicable . I don't think there are any words in the English language to describe properly the true nature of what happened there . It makes Dante's Inferno look like a beach holiday in the Caribbean and I am not being flippant . The abuse of children is at the very deepest levels of the Ego's hatred . It is a direct attack on innocence and at the world and any sane human being feels repulsion for the individuals who perpetrated these crimes . I think they are guilty and yet there is a part of me that knows they are innocent . Whatever ,anybody does they remain innocent . Adolf Hitler , Pol Pot , Ian Brady , Myra Hindley , Charles Manson – they are all innocent . This innocence is at the core of all being and cannot be changed , however much we are repulsed by a person or their actions . I am not suggesting that these people should be on the streets to continue their mayhem but I know they are not guilty . I just don't understand why not.