In the United States Democratic party elections , the latest buzzword is Change . We need to change the world , they say, and from a logical point of view,with the United States facing a recession and fighting a futile war in Iraq this would be entirely reasonable . But what is it that causes these world events –it is our mind . There is only one mind and we are all connected to it . It is from this mind that our thoughts originate-all thoughts of war and destruction are in each of our minds .In fact , every heinous act could be carried out by anyone of us given the right circumstance .
It is not the outside world we need to change but our view of ourselves .We need to accept everything-ourselves ,others ,events in our lives and outside us . This is difficult for us to do as our ' Ego' is compelled to try and control . In some way , I do not fully understand , the world is absolutely fine . It does not need changing-people do not need to change .There is nothing wrong with us – not anybody . It is acceptance , not change , we need and this means everything .