Tuesday, 30 October 2007

You Will Not Die

The greatest fear any human being faces is death-either of oneself or loved ones. When you are young , death is something that happens to other people but as you grow older your death looms into view . One day you will be separated from everything you hold dear or so it seems.

It seems so unfair . To be born and then to die . What's the point ? Why bother - you might as well just enjoy life as best you can , while you can . Even religion doesn't really seem to help - every time you go into church you are greeted with an image of ' God's only son Jesus ' being horribly crucified on the cross . If that is what god does to his friends , what the hell is going to happen to me . Will I go to hell when I die ? If this is to be my fate , I must have really upset him . I must have sinned badly - maybe I had sex with the wrong person , maybe I should have gone to Church or the Mosque more often . These thoughts are running through your mind whether you are aware of them or not and they all point to the same conclusion - God is our enemy .

That is the bad news - the good news is that you will not die . For want of a better description , you are spirit not your body . When you leave your body , you will remain whole . In fact it is the belief you are a body and that you will die which is the source of all evils in the world and the reason that the world fears God . God could not and would not create anything that would die . Any good parent would never try to harm their children , let alone kill them - God is exactly the same and never wishes any harm to come to anyone. God wants good things for you ,not for you to be in pain .

You may ask why I say that this belief in death causes so many problems . Firstly , it creates subconciously great fear of your fellow man - you do not know who is friend or foe , in case they turn on you and attack you , so you begin to fear life . This has caused great problems in the world as races fear races and war follows . Secondly , our fear of God has blocked God's gifts to the world . All prayers are answered but because of our fear we are not prepared to receive them . They are there , but we cannot literally see them. Because of this the belief in scarcity came to life and the ' dog eat dog ' mentality eventually came to rule the world . If the world lost its fear of God , poverty would disappear overnight . Nobody would mind giving wealth away , if they knew that they could have anything they wanted .

Lastly , the belief in death has created guilt . If God is prepared for us to die , we must have done something really wrong - this is the source of sin . Religion and philosophers have tried to discover what the human race did wrong to incur God's anger . Sex and materialism are the usual suspects . Fortunately this is rubbish . God is not angry with the world at all - God only has love for us . It is guilt which is the source of all negative emotions and causes so called ' sinful actions ' . At a deep level , we feel God is our foe and this leads to a great fear of God . Fear can only be released by the expression of anger , which is either projected outwards onto other people or even onto yourself and can cause suicide , self harming or destructive addictive behaviours . It is the release of this original guilt from the world's psyche that needs to be completed before we can create the world we all desire . For this to happen , we have to give up our belief in Death. NOBODY HAS EVER DIED OR COME TO HARM IN ANY WAY . THERE IS NO DEATH

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

The Smoking Gun

Over the last year I have become interested in the many conspiracy theories that you find on the Internet and the media . My initial reaction was that these theories originated from paranoid minds who had lost touch with reality , but were relatively harmless and in many ways added a certain amount of joy to life . They give us an excuse to laugh at other people , reinforcing our intellectual superiority whilst at the same time wondering where these conspiracists get their ideas from . They must be raving mad , we say to ourselves and carry on with our lives . The mainstream press avoid them like the plague , occasionally daring to talk about them , but only in the same way they discuss a story about a cat caught up a tree - fun , but not to be taken seriously .
My four most popular theories are : UFOs , the 9/11 attack on the Twin towers , the death of Princess Diana and the existence of a shadowy group called the Illuminati who basically control the world . The case for the defence says that UFOs are the hallucinations of drug fuelled individuals , that 9/11 was just an attack by Osama Bin Laden and loony Moslem extremists who got lucky, that Diana's death was an accidental car crash and that the Illuminati is not real and only exists in the minds of anti government agitators .
The case for the prosecution points to the huge numbers of individuals who claim to have seen UFOs and even governments have had investigations , trying to ascertain the truth . I recently saw an interview with Buzz Aldrin , in which he admitted to seeing a UFO on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon . There are many photographs and videos of these crafts , with evidence from supposedly professional observers in the military and police . The very rapid advancements in military technology , such as the Stealth bomber and micro-technology eg Mobile phones and computers are claimed to come from aliens .
Secondly , with the 9/11 attacks , the US government accusers point to the action of the American air defence flying out to sea , the lack of photographic evidence of the attack on the Pentagon and the ease with which the buildings collapsed . They also point out the ineptitude of the US intelligence services in not stopping the plot and are also helped out by the triumvirate of George Bush , Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld . I have yet to come across a more untrustworthy group and would have to look twice if they said the sky was blue .
With Diana , the British establishment is accused of wilfully murdering the mother of the heir to the throne . Photographs of Diana looking pregnant have been released and claims that Dodi Fayed had also bought her an engagement ring have been raised . There are suspicions that Henri Paul , the Head of Security at the hotel was in the pay of the British Intelligence Services and that MI6 officers were in the vicinity at the time . The confusion which surrounds Henri Paul's blood samples have also complicated the matter and the lack of recall of Diana's bodyguards has further added to the mystery .
The last theory is that of the Illuminati - this propounds that there is a small group of people who run the world , according to their whims and wishes , and manipulate events , such as 9/11 and other terrorist conspiracies , even starting wars and putting their people into positions of power all over the world . Their aim is for the population of earth to become nothing more than worker drones for this elite . The proponents of this theory assert the Royal families , the Heads of States and other assorted government individuals with the help of organisations like the Freemasons have managed to retain control of the world and are only interested in the retention of their power at all cost . They highlight the large number of masons in controlling positions throughout the world - eg Winston Churchill , George V and George VI and the large number of presidents of the USA and the influence of the same educational establishments , Oxford and Cambridge , Yale and Harvard etc . The meetings at Bohemian Grove in America , where top politicians and industrialists from all over the planet such as George Bush snr, Gerald Ford , Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney congregate and where there is filmed footage of a faked ( I hope ) human sacrifice to a 40 ft owl are also used as evidence of the existence of this organisation .
What I hope this proves is that conspiracists are not bonkers and that there is rational reasoning behind their arguments . But are they right ? To be honest , I don't know but what I do realise is that even if one of these theories are true , it would be of vital importance . If aliens do exist , if 9/11 was an inside job , if the royal family did kill Diana or that our leaders are malevolent to us it would be earth shattering . But there is a problem , no conclusive proof has been collected . A smoking gun is needed - something to prove beyond doubt that one or more of these events are true . An alien spacecraft landing on the White House Lawn or Prince Charles morphing into a reptile on national television would be handy . On the other hand they have not been disproved . But the lesson I have learnt from my interest is not to dismiss other people's views , however outlandish , because they do not coincide with my belief structure . As someone famous once said : ' There are more things in heaven and earth , Horatio , than are dreamt of in your philosophy ' .

Thursday, 18 October 2007

The Duke of York had ten thousand men

I have recently watched two gripping documentaries on television which investigated the use of torture tactics by the Americans in ' The War on Terror ' . The first film ' Taxi to the Dark Side ' centred on Guantanamo and the second ' Ghosts of Abu Ghraib in Iraq . They were both chilling accounts of what can happen when the end justifies the means . The torturers seemed to me to be normal human beings , but had got caught up in extraordinary circumstances . Their excuse was ' they were only following orders ' and were probably chosen for their duties because they were easily manipulated and pliable . The US Army defended themselves by claiming that the torturers were a renegade group , who had slipped through the net but the torture techniques were sophisticated and the similarities too pronounced for anyone to doubt that it was deliberate policy . In a frightening interview American Vice President Dick Cheney said " We have to sort of work the dark side if you will . We have to spend time in the shadows " . The Americans are not the only ones to blame as the torture was outsourced through rendition to other countries , who were only too happy to help.

But why are we surprised - this has been going on for centuries . Just take a trip round the castles of Britain and you will find far more grizzly instruments of torture than have been used in Cuba and Iraq .The armies of the world have been practicing this for eons . In my view the military of the world has only one purpose and that is to kill . It is in its psyche to hate and wish to cause pain and destruction , where it can . In fact its very existence depends on our acceptance of it . The world believes that we are separate countries and need our armies to defend ourselves from our enemies but , if you take a step back , you will see that the military is one single entity throughout the world , with one aim : to cause death , destruction and pain wherever it can . It has been a puzzle to me how armies seem to find the opposing forces to fight-how come they don't get lost and miss each other ? It's because they don't want to . There seems to be an unconcious magnetic effect which draws them together and fulfill the aim of bloody battle .

How can this force be dealt with . In my opinion there is only one way and that is to boycott it . It needs bodies to kill and be killed and the means to defeat it is by suffocation . We need the young men and women of the world not to enlist . If no one joins up , there can be no wars . I know this may appear pie in the sky and utopian , but it is the only way , unless we want the current wars to recur . It means we will have to ignore the siren calls and excuses for war and basically not go along with the warmongers bloodlust . Because if we don't there will be another Adolf Hitler or Dick Cheney and another Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib . It is our choice.

Monday, 15 October 2007

The Taxman

" Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you , nineteen for me
Cause I'm the taxman , yeah , I'm the taxman

Should five per cent appear too small
Be careful I don't take it all
Cause I'm the taxman , yeah , I'm the taxman "

Last weekend , Ed and Elaine Brown were taken into custody in the United States after a long siege for refusing to pay their taxes . They had threatened to go out in a hail of bullets like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid but , thankfully , this calamitous end was avoided and they were arrested peacefully .The main plank of their argument is that no law has been passed , authorising the IRS to take money from the citizens of the United States . This may or may not be the case and in pure legal terms seems to be a bit of a grey area , but to me seems to miss the main point.
As anybody who has read my previous posts , they will understand my concept that none of these governmental bodies such as the IRS or the Inland Revenue are only real but only mental ideas . ( In more ways than one ) As far as I am aware nobody in the world has entered into any contract , allowing the tax organisations to take money from them .When you read the phrase " tax is theft " this is literally true and in the UK they do not actually have to take it from you , but is deducted from your salary by your employer who will send it on . And woe betide you if , like the Browns , you refuse to pay your taxes . You will be up in court faster than you count to ten.
But what puzzles me is how we have got into this situation , where we are forced to hand over large parts of our salary to an organisation that does not exist . The reason , as far as I can ascertain is out of fear - the knock on the door or the letter through the post . The only way the government gets away with this con trick is through the staff who carry out its wishes - the judicial system and the police who supply the muscle . It is the biggest financial theft in the world and if a case could be brought , the government would be found guilty of theft and demanding money with menaces . But a court case can never take place as there is no one to prosecute since there is no government .
If we want to be really free , the peoples of the world have to realise they are ruled by only a very few people and if we want to make our own decisions , we will have to somehow wrestle power from these imaginary bodies .At the moment , Might is Right rules the world but it would only need people to boycott these institutions and the individuals employed by " The Powers That Be " to refuse to carry out their orders for the whole edifice to crumble or to alter so radically , so that is for the benefit of the whole of mankind , rather than mankind serving IT . IT does not exist !
I wish Ed and Elaine Brown well and hope that their plight causes everyone to question the whole notion of government .

Friday, 5 October 2007

The Meaning of Life

Why are we here ? Why were we born ? Is there a purpose to everything ? In short what is the meaning of life ? This question has puzzled philosophers and religious thinkers for milennium . In this post I will give my explanation .
The Meaning of Life is LIFE . Nothing more , nothing less . The main function of Life is to be . In fact , it can't be anything else . Wherever you go , whatever you do you are alive . Wherever you look in the universe you will find life - even the coldest planets and the darkest reaches of space are alive . Even , when you see a dead animal or person it is alive . To our eyes , it seems very different but when you observe any object be they alive or dead they are actually full of gases , molecules , particles and atoms at what scientists describe as the quantum level . In truth , dead objects are still alive but changing form . Even when you 'die' , your atoms one day will help form another living object .
Actually , when you look at the universe everything seems to have a purpose , except for one important component . The tides come in and go out - the Moon goes around the Earth - ice ages come and go - asteroids hurtle around the sun . Even everyday household objects have a purpose . Your television , your bed , your oven , your lighting -they all have purpose . If you observe animals , they seem to know exactly what they are doing all the time , from the lowliest amoeba up to the most intelligent ' higher ' animals , such as dolphins , whales , or members of the ape family . Even clouds , seem to know where to go and what to do . As I mentioned earlier everything seems to have a purpose except for one component - that component is the Human race.
I doubt that there has never been a human being who has not thought to themselves Why am I here ? Some people convince themselves that their employment or their hobby or their children are the purpose to their lives . Others are brilliant writers or artists or politicians and say that was the reason that they were born . Previously I said that everything seems to have a purpose . That purpose is LIFE . We are the same - however we seem to think that our purpose is to do . The universe is not concerned what we do , but that we live . Life is all there is and it is our meaning !